SL9JK specifications
General information | |
Type | CPU / Microprocessor |
Family | Intel Core Duo |
Processor number ? | T2350 |
Part number | LF80539GE0362ME |
Processor markings | LF80539 T2350 1.86/2M/533 |
Frequency (GHz) ? | 1.867 |
Bus speed (MHz) ? | 533 |
Clock multiplier ? | 14 |
Package type | 478-pin Micro-FCPGA |
Socket type | Socket M |
Architecture / Microarchitecture / Other | |
Manufacturing technology (micron) | 0.065 |
Number of cores | 2 |
L2 cache size (MB) ? | 2 |
There are no notes on sSpec SL9JK
Related S-Spec numbers
In addition to the SL9JK S-Spec, this processor was also manufactured with one pre-production S-Spec number:
Stepping | S-Spec | LF80539GE0362ME |
D0 | QRGW | + |
Unknown | SL9JK | + |
NOTE: Engineering and qualifications samples are marked with this color